World Ocean Day: Korallenriffe und wie Probiotika sie retten könnten

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World Ocean Day: Coral reefs and how probiotics could save them

Dr. Adrian Weingart

World Ocean Day: Coral reefs and how probiotics could save them

The importance of coral reefs

Coral reefs are living ecosystems that are home to an impressive variety of marine life. As one of the most biodiverse ecosystems on our planet, they are vital to the health of the entire marine ecosystem. In fact, almost 25% of all marine life depends on coral reefs for their shelter, food source, breeding ground and nursery for their offspring.

Threats to Coral Reefs
Unfortunately, coral reefs worldwide are facing a variety of threats that may cause them to collapse over the next few decades. Climate change, pollution and other human activities are seriously affecting the biodiversity and balance of these ecosystems. However, these reefs are not only important for marine life, but also for human health and the global economy. They serve as a source of employment and income, a source of food, and even provide medical therapeutics.

Coral Bleaching

One of the biggest threats to coral reefs is climate change, which is leading to coral bleaching. As water temperatures rise, corals shed their symbiotic algae, causing coral bleaching. This process weakens the corals and can lead to their death. To restore and protect these valuable ecosystems, scientists and conservationists are looking for innovative solutions.

Microbial research approaches to protect corals

Research is studying probiotics as a solution to support and improve coral reef health. dr Raquel Peixoto, a coral microbiologist, and her team are researching the role of the microbiome in coral health and disease. They are developing new microbial approaches, such as coral probiotics, to counteract the threats corals face and restore these vital systems.

How do “coral probiotics work?”

The research of Dr. Peixoto focuses on using beneficial microorganisms for corals called BMCs (Beneficial Microorganisms for Corals). Similar to humans, corals have a diverse microbiome that helps them adapt to changing environmental conditions. These health-promoting microbes can be administered to corals as probiotics to improve their ability to survive.

The research shows that coral probiotics can help improve coral resilience to the stresses of climate change. dr Peixoto and her team have identified key microbial actors that contribute to coral resilience to temperature changes. However, research and development of technologies for administering coral probiotics is ongoing.


World Oceans Day reminds us of the importance of protecting and preserving our marine ecosystems. Researching the role of probiotics in coral reef recovery is a promising approach that can help conserve these threatened habitats. Although further research and development is needed to confirm the effectiveness and applicability of probiotics in different scenarios, they still represent a valuable tool to support coral resilience, survival and health. Together with other measures to protect the oceans, probiotics can make an important contribution to preserving the health and diversity of our marine environment.

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