3 minutes


What is our microbiome?

Key messages for you

  • The microbiome as a super-organ:It includes all microorganisms in the intestines and other parts of the body such as the skin, mouth and nose and plays a central role in our health.
  • Important functions of the intestinal flora:It supports the immune system, fights pathogens, breaks down harmful substances and supplies the intestinal mucosa with energy.
  • Care of the intestinal flora:A balanced diet, probiotic foods and high-quality nutritional supplements such as Dailybacs promote healthy intestinal flora and support bacterial balance.

When you think of the organs in our body, the first things that probably come to mind are the heart, the kidneys or the liver. But the microbiome? is that an organ However, some scientists even refer to it as the super organ or a super organism. It is therefore an integral and important part of our body.
Our microbiome consists of all microorganisms that live in our intestines, but also on other parts of the body, such as the skin, mouth, nose and genitals. The numbers of our microbiome are remarkable. Most of the cells in the human body are bacteria! Viewed under a microscope, we humans are a huge collection of tiny organisms rather than a bunch of human cells.The reason why we still look like humans is that a body's own cell is many times larger than a bacterium. Nevertheless, the intestinal microbiome weighs around 1.5 kilos.
The development of our microbiome begins in the first days of life. The decisive factor here is the birth process, during which the baby comes into contact with the mother's vaginal mucosa and absorbs the first bacteria. In the course of life we ​​come into contact with a wide variety of environmental influences, which means that microorganisms find their way into our intestinal flora. This is primarily through food.
So our lifestyle is responsible for how the microbiome will develop. For example, a Mexican who eats a spicy, corn-heavy diet can be very different from a person who eats mostly fish.
The microbiome also changes when a person z.B moves from Germany to Africa because she is exposed to different environmental influences there.

What are the functions of the intestinal flora?

The intestinal flora describes the entirety of all microorganisms in the intestine. When medicine discovered microorganisms in the intestine for the first time some time ago, their occurrence was mistaken for a disease. With the help of intestinal cleansing and sometimes surgical interventions, attempts were made to combat this.
In the meantime, we know that the intestinal flora is by no means harmful to humans, but rather useful. For example, some food components cannot be fully utilized without the intestinal bacteria. There are also many other functions:

  • They contribute to the functioning of our immune system.
  • They prevent the spread of pathogens and the triggering of infections.
  • You build e.g.B carcinogenic substances.
  • They contribute to the energy supply of the cells of the intestinal mucosa.

What can you do for your intestinal flora?

A healthy and balanced diet plays a decisive role. A sensible part of the diet is to also consume probiotic foods. This is possible e.g.B through dairy products such as yoghurt or kefir. But other fermented foods such as kimchi or kombucha also contain the beneficial microorganisms. However, since the number of probiotics in these products can be very small and not many people have these foods in their daily diet, it also makes sense to use probiotics in concentrated form, e.g.B taken as capsules. It also makes sense to treat the intestinal flora with probiotics before, during and after prolonged intake of antibiotics t4> to reconcile. Our Dailybacs contain a particularly high dosage of bacterial cultures. Each capsule contains 60 billion CFU, i.e. colony-forming units. These ensure that the intestinal bacteria can grow and function best.The Dailybacs also contain the important minerals and vitamins that the body needs every day.The Dailybacs capsules are tailored to the individual needs of men and women.

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Key messages for you

  • The microbiome as a super-organ:It includes all microorganisms in the intestines and other parts of the body such as the skin, mouth and nose and plays a central role in our health.
  • Important functions of the intestinal flora:It supports the immune system, fights pathogens, breaks down harmful substances and supplies the intestinal mucosa with energy.
  • Care of the intestinal flora:A balanced diet, probiotic foods and high-quality nutritional supplements such as Dailybacs promote healthy intestinal flora and support bacterial balance.
Dr. Adrian Weingart
Dr. Adrian Weingart

CPO & Co-Founder

Dr. Adrian Weingart
Dr. Adrian Weingart

CPO & Co-Founder