Gewichtsreduktion durch Probiotika und Synbiotika: Was Sagt die Forschung?

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Weight loss through probiotics and synbiotics: What does the research say?

Dr. Adrian Weingart

Weight loss through probiotics and synbiotics: What does the research say?

Can probiotics and synbiotics help you lose weight?

In recent years, research has made exciting observations about the connection between intestinal flora and obesity. In recent studies, the intestinal microbiota is considered a potential factor in obesity. Studies have shown that there is a difference between the microbiota of normal and overweight people, but also that there is a causal connection between dysbiosis (i.e. when the intestinal flora is out of balance) and various diseases. This also applies to obesity. This shows that being overweight does not have to be caused by diet and lack of exercise alone, and that a lack of weight loss can also be influenced by the composition of the microbiome.

The good news

Further studies have shown that certain strains of bacteria contribute to weight loss and the breakdown of fat! Lactobacilli and bifidobacteria in particular have been shown to have positive effects. So why is this not being reported on so much yet? The answer is as complex as it is simple: the studies to date often have different parameters, which makes it difficult to compare them with one another in order to make a consistent statement.
For example, one study looked at a period of 2 weeks, another a period of 24 weeks. Often neither the subjects' diets nor their physical activity were observed. So far, it has been difficult to make general statements about the efficiency of bacterial strains. For this reason, no medical recommendations have yet been made about dosage and the optimal duration of use. Another reason is that the effects of probiotics are very specific depending on the strain and can sometimes be completely different even within a species. In short: There is a lot of research, but clear statements are lacking...

...until now! The latest large clinical studies with the bacterial composition of Dietbacs® from mybacs were able to show a significant difference to the placebo for the first time. The innovation shows how successful weight loss can be with the help of probiotics. The subjects were shown to lose weight, reduce their waist circumference and lower their cholesterol levels, even though they did not change their diet or their daily routine.


So, in conclusion, we can say: Yes, probiotics and especially synbiotics can help you lose weight. Synbiotics because the prebiotics act as “food” and support the probiotics in their work. This can further enhance the positive effect of the probiotics and help you and your well-being.

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