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Tips for strengthening your children's immune system

Key messages for you

  • Nutrition:Lots of fruit, vegetables, fiber and nutrients such as vitamin C, D, zinc and iron.
  • Exercise & fresh air:Promotes immune system, strengthens the body.
  • Sleep:10-11 hours of restful sleep for a strong immune system.
  • Probiotics:Support the intestinal flora, which contains 70% of the immune cells. Dailybacs Kids is a simple, delicious supplement.
  • Hygiene:Regular hand washing, but no excessive hygiene obsession.

Flu season is here, and children in particular have to deal with about 8-9 infections a year. Strengthening the immune system is crucial during this time. In this article, we will look at the development of the immune system in children, the causes of weakened immunity and the ways to strengthen it sustainably.

How does my child's immune system develop?

Our immune system is complex and multi-layered. It is a long process that begins in the womb until the immune system is fully developed. The placenta supplies the unborn child with important antibodies that protect the small, sensitive body system from the first contact with bacteria and other pathogens. This supply continues through breast milk. The newborn is more or less equipped with antibodies that the mother has developed through contact with certain pathogens. This means that these defense mechanisms can vary depending on the environment. However, in the first year of life this protection weakens again as the child's body becomes more independent and is now on its own. The immune system is therefore still very weak and has a simple basis on which it now gradually builds.

What does "immunization" mean?

This passive immunization, which already takes place in the womb, provides two crucial components: the so-called killer cells and phagocytes. These are part of the white blood cells and are omnivores, so to speak, because they can recognize and destroy a range of dangerous pathogens. Although we are born with a non-specific immune system, this too becomes stronger and more successful in its task over time.

In addition to the non-specific immune defense, there is the specific immune defense, which is the main artery in the development of the immune system. This defense can specifically recognize each pathogen and thus marks the memory with certain antibodies. These antibodies can then immediately recognize who the intruder is when it attacks again. Once this identification has taken place, the pathogen is passed on as food to the phagocytes and killer cells. In this way, an infection can be fought off quickly and effectively. Once such an encounter has taken place, the body can develop a specific immunity, for example against measles, mumps, etc.

What are the causes of a weakened immune system in children?

At the beginning, a small body has to fight against a whole series of enemies... Whether in the playgroup, playing in the sandbox or at school - children are constantly in contact with other children and the outside world. This means they are constantly exposed to bacteria and viruses from their environment.

This topic is omnipresent in schools and kindergartens - whether it's middle ear infections, colds and respiratory infections - even gastrointestinal infections are included. The motto here is: obstacles and difficulties only make your child stronger! Every new infection helps to make the immune system better equipped. It is a very strenuous process for the organism to get to this point, but at the same time it is also a crucial, vital training for a robust body system.

The immune system is particularly vulnerable in the cold winter months. During these times, the body can wage a real battle against infections and can easily become infected. Small children are often in close physical contact with others and cannot understand and adhere to hygiene measures such as regular hand washing and nose blowing as well as adults.A lack of important nutrients, mental and physical stress or too little sleep are also often the triggers for this chain reaction. With each new attack, the immune system loses strength and energy. This makes it all the more important to actively support the body with good nutrition and additional vitamins. The whole family can take part in this, because the parents' immune system is also challenged by contact with new pathogens, but ultimately strengthened.

How can I strengthen my child's immune system?

A strong immune system needs fuel to work diligently and effectively. This fuel is available in the form of valuable nutrients, which usually come from the right foods. But despite the abundance of food in our modern society, such a "fuel deficiency" of the immune system often occurs.

But why is that? In fact, the reason can be traced back to the fact that we have almost too much choice and therefore make decisions that are not necessarily the best for our health. Children in particular place more importance on taste than on the health effects of eating certain foods. This is why they are known for having a relatively one-sided diet. Of course, you can't blame them for that. What child doesn't love colorful and sweet!? Although the popular offerings for children come in a variety of colors and playful shapes, the essential nutrients are usually very low or non-existent.

A long-term study by the Robert Koch Institute shows that children in Germany eat too little fruit and vegetables when you consider the generally recommended amounts. The DGE (German Nutrition Society) also found that German children eat too little fruit and vegetables on average. Parents must therefore see it as their job to familiarize their offspring with healthy eating, to develop an understanding of the exciting variety of healthy foods and thus give them a good basis for the future.

Introducing children to a healthy diet can sometimes be difficult because children ask themselves: Why should I eat something I don't like? A legitimate question.

How can I get children excited about healthy eating?

“Motivation instead of coercion” has always worked well. Forcing children to eat up can have the opposite effect on a positive attitude towards healthy eating. Experts still advise against using food as a reward or punishment. Many people remember having to “earn” something sweet from their childhood, especially if they have to eat the “bad” vegetables first. Sweets are therefore associated with something positive, while fruit and vegetables are associated with something negative. Finding a balance by not banning everything sweet or unhealthy, but allowing it in moderation, is a very effective measure. Because it’s the amount that counts. Finding a middle ground is also good discipline training!

Children can also be involved in shopping and cooking in a playful way. Regularly trying new things also brings more fun and variety to children's eating habits. In this way, "the unknown" is better accepted and not immediately rejected without giving the food a chance.

It can actually take up to seven attempts before a child can clearly say how he or she feels about a particular food - or whether he or she doesn't like it. If all else fails, you can hide the unwanted vegetables - for example in sauces, soups or purees.In any case, it is important that you set a good example and celebrate the meal together at the table, if possible!

What exactly does my child's immune system need?

Vitamins and trace elements form the necessary building blocks for stimulating the immune system. They are responsible, for example, for the formation of new defense cells and substances. The right diet supplies the body with important micronutrients. We have listed some examples:

  • Iron: whole grain bread, spinach
  • Vitamin D: salmon, eggs
  • Selenium: kohlrabi, broccoli
  • Zinc: cheese, potatoes
  • Vitamin C: citrus fruits, peppers

With a few exceptions, the human organism is not able to produce vitamins, trace elements and minerals itself. This means that our body is almost 100% dependent on the nutrients we take in with food. The correct supply is not only important during growth, but micronutrients are indispensable throughout life. The metabolism, energy balance, the nervous system and ultimately the all-encompassing immune system depend on these building blocks.

If vitamins and minerals are not consumed in sufficient quantities, it is possible to supplement them with dietary supplements. Our dietary supplement Dailybacs® Kids contains live bacterial strains that promote a balanced intestinal flora in children and can strengthen the immune system. Even at a young age, the intake of good bacteria offers numerous benefits for the immune system and the prevention of the development of allergies. The Dailybacs® Kids are true all-rounders because a special selection of highly effective ingredients is concentrated in a single sachet: a formulation of good bacteria for improved digestion and thus improved nutrient absorption. Independently, these elements also contribute to specific mechanisms. Iodine, for example, is a mineral that supports a child's normal growth. For this reason, we have developed our Dailybacs® Kids specifically for the needs of children.

In addition to nutrition, children's immune systems can also be strengthened with other means. Here are a few valuable tips:

  • Lots of exercise - Team sports such as football or volleyball are a lot of fun and provide both exercise and balance. Exercise is important for a strong immune system.
  • Get some fresh air - Regardless of the weather, you should definitely take the opportunity to get some fresh air with the right equipment. Contact with the environment strengthens the body through thermoregulation and thus arms it against infections. Other stimuli such as dirt and other organisms are important companions for the development of the immune system.
  • quiet time - when you are bored, you have to rely on your own creativity. Such moments are also important because a planned week can build up stress and thus weaken the immune system.
  • Sufficient sleep - Even children attending primary school need 10-11 hours of restful sleep.
  • support of the intestinal flora - With probiotics, fiber, vitamins, trace elements and vegetable protein for the formation of antibodies and immune cells. This of course also includes a balanced diet. Food supplements can provide the missing substances and boost absorption a little.
  • Regular hygiene, but no hygiene obsession - Teach children to wash their hands regularly from a young age. A little tip: There are many lovely children's books that explain this clearly. On the other hand, hygiene mania should be avoided - because an environment that is too sterile does not provide the immune system with enough stimulus to train a better defense.
  • Drink enough - Water or unsweetened tea. The mucous membranes must remain moist to ward off pathogens. They dry out easily in winter because we spend a lot of time in heated rooms and the humidity is very low.
  • Kneipp cold-warm baths on children's legs activate the immune system. You should pay close attention to the temperature, because too great a difference in temperature can overtax the body. Children are more sensitive to temperature differences than adults.

Can probiotics support my child's immune system?

The intestinal flora is an important component of the immune system. Various genetic, environmental and nutritional factors can influence the intestinal microbiome-immune system axis as early as the development phase in the first three years of life. For infants who have already been exposed to certain risk factors (genetic predisposition, cesarean section, lack of breast milk, medication, etc.), taking probiotics seems particularly useful. Probiotics can positively support the best possible development of the immune system, strengthen the body's own defenses and better protect children against infections. Find out more about probiotics in our article Probiotics - Everything you need to know.

With the tips mentioned above, your children's immune systems should not only be prepared for the cold winter months, but should already have a fundamental, strong foundation for adulthood. With continuous support through proper nutrition, probiotics and important micronutrients, a healthy balance and fun, nothing stands in the way of the little ones!


Key messages for you

  • Nutrition:Lots of fruit, vegetables, fiber and nutrients such as vitamin C, D, zinc and iron.
  • Exercise & fresh air:Promotes immune system, strengthens the body.
  • Sleep:10-11 hours of restful sleep for a strong immune system.
  • Probiotics:Support the intestinal flora, which contains 70% of the immune cells. Dailybacs Kids is a simple, delicious supplement.
  • Hygiene:Regular hand washing, but no excessive hygiene obsession.
Dr. Adrian Weingart
Dr. Adrian Weingart

CPO & Co-Founder

Dr. Adrian Weingart
Dr. Adrian Weingart

CPO & Co-Founder