personal training

The mybacs Health Club is created in cooperation with leading scientists, people from the field and trainers who carefully develop the content. They respect the interconnectedness of body and mind and touch on the four pillars that are most essential to holistic health: mental resilience, nutrition, exercise and sleep.

Manuel Wittke // Qualifications

  • med student
  • Diploma sports and fitness trainer
  • Personal Trainer
  • Medical Fitness Trainer
  • Sports Nutritionist
  • Bodypump Advanced Instructor
    (barbell training)
  • CXWORX Instructor
    (Core Training)
  • Grit Instructor
    (HIIT Training)
  • Indoor Cycling Instructor
    (Cardio training)
  • Athletic Flow Instructor
    (Yoga + HIIT)

You would like to have personal coaching from Manuel that is perfectly tailored to you? Then feel free to contact him directly here.

Lecturas esenciales

Lecturas esenciales